2008 Abraham Anghik Ruben: Myths, Stories, Legends, Illustrated catalogue
2003 The Art of Abraham Anghik Ruben, Appleton Galleries, Vancouver, BC
2001-2002 Abraham Anghik Ruben, Illustrated catalogue, The Winnipeg Art Gallery
2000, Paiges Art Gallery, Ketchum, Idaho
2001, Paiges Art Gallery, Ketchum, Idaho
2002 Paiges Art Gallery, Ketchum, Idaho
1998 Maslak – McLeod, Santa Fe
1994 Abraham Anghik: Works in Bronze, The Isaacs/Innuit Gallery, Toronto
1991 “Spirit of My People:” Sculptures by Abraham Anghik, The Alaska Shop, New York
1981 Images for a Canadian Heritage, Vancouver
1980 Abraham Anghik – New Sculptures, The Pollock Gallery, Toronto
1980 Bayard Gallery, New York
1979 The Pollock Gallery, Toronto
1978 The Pollock Gallery, Toronto
1977 The Pollock Gallery, Toronto