Into the Northern Hunters Grounds: Bear and Falcon
Brazilian Soapstone
64 X 30 X 22 CM
Price: $30,000
Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Zaina
Having established themselves in southern Greenland, the Viking Norse have made forays into Northern Greenland where vast numbers of sea mammals abound. There are polar bears, seals, walruses, whales, good fishing, caribou and musk-oxen on land. There is opportunity of capturing the gyrfalcon and peregrine falcon, a highly valued treasure that provided much needed income for these far flung colonists. Over time and after initial contact with the Baffin & North Greenland Inuit, the Vikings and Inuit come to some accommodation and engage in trade and communal hunting that benefits all. This sculpture shows a mother protecting her child under the wing of a falcon. Here the falcon is protecting them both for their long journey. The Inuit mother was responsible for nurturing and caring for the young. On the other side of the sculpture is an image of a man looking over the side of the boat. He is being protected by the bear on his long trip towards the Northern Hunters Grounds.